How to Set Event Entry Limits
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eLapsRaceTiming Offline

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Information How to Set Event Entry Limits
Event entry limits can be set per category and are set when adding or editing an Event.

Click the 'Set / View Category Entry Limits' link that is located next to the Categories section.

[Image: OnlineEvent_CatEntryLimits.jpg]

Clicking the link will open a pop up form that lists the Categories that have been selected for the given event.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EntryLimitPopUp.jpg]

Here you can specify each category's entry limit. By default all event categories are set to 0 (unlimited).

NOTE: when setting entry limits, you must set all categories. i.e. You can't have unlimited categories (set as 0), and limited categories in the same event.

An event with entry limits appears in the Online Entry listing as follows.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EntryLimitEnter.jpg]

The left hand number represents the number of current entries... and the right hand number indicates the maximum number of entrants for the given event.

Clicking on the left hand number link will open the event entries list.
Clicking on the right hand number link will open the event's 'Max Entries' table.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EntryLimitEnterPopUp.jpg]

This table displays each category's entry limits, and also displays the current entry numbers. If a category is full, it's row in the table will turn red. Depending upon the event settings, entrants may still be able to enter a full category - if they are able to enter a full category, they will be added to a waiting list.

NOTE: when entering a full category, entrants are not able to pay for their entry fee.

If required, event administrators can send an 'Entry Invite Offer' email to selected entrants in the waiting list. Entrants appear in the waiting list if their entry has not been validated, for example if they have not paid their entry fee.

For more information on the waiting list functionality see the How to Send Waiting List Invites guide.

e-Laps Race Timing Software
The next evolution in race control event management software
(This post was last modified: 09-Feb-2015 10:21 PM by eLapsRaceTiming.)
08-Feb-2015 04:00 PM
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How to Set Event Entry Limits - eLapsRaceTiming - 08-Feb-2015 04:00 PM

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