How to Manage Event Sponsors
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eLapsRaceTiming Offline

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Information How to Manage Event Sponsors
In order to display sponsor imagery on your events, you will first need to create sponsor records and then upload sponsor images to these records.

To access your sponsor records list, click the 'My Sponsors' menu item.

[Image: OnlineEvent_SponsorMenu.jpg]

Sponsors are listed by alphabetically by name.

[Image: OnlineEvent_Sponsors.jpg]

Here you can view and edit your sponsor records, or instantly enable / disable the sponsor.
To edit the sponsor record click the Edit icon in the Tools column.

Disabling / Enabling Sponsors
If a green tick icon is visible against a sponsor record (as shown above), then the sponsor is ENABLED.

If a red exclamation icon is visible against a sponsor record, then the sponsor is DISABLED.

Clicking on the icon will instantly Enable or Disable the sponsor record.

If a sponsor is disabled, their images will not be displayed on any associated events (explained below).

Creating a New Sponsor
To create a new sponsor, click the 'Add Sponsor' button.

[Image: OnlineEvent_AddSponsor.jpg]

All fields are self explanatory. Fill in the sponsor details as required and click the Save button.
Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Uploading Sponsor Images
Once you have created a sponsor record, you can then upload images to that sponsor. To do so, click the Edit sponsor icon for the required sponsor record.

[Image: OnlineEvent_SponsorImages.jpg]

The Sponsor Images list is displayed below the Sponsor Details section (as shown above).

Disabling / Enabling Sponsor Images
Each sponsor image can be individually enabled or disabled.

If a green tick icon is visible against a sponsor image record (as shown above), then the image is ENABLED.

If a red exclamation icon is visible against a sponsor image record, then the image is DISABLED.

Clicking on the icon will instantly Enable or Disable the sponsor image record.

If a sponsor image is disabled, it will not be displayed on any associated events (explained below).

To add new sponsor images, click the 'Add Sponsor Image' button.

[Image: OnlineEvent_AddSponsorImage.jpg]

The field is used to specify which country the image file is associated with. This field will be used in the future to provide extra website functionality.

You can choose which location you want the sponsor image to appear. Currently you can choose from; Left Column, Left Column Large, Right Column, Right Column Large.

[Image: OnlineEvent_SponsorLocation.jpg]

The standard size for a 'column image' is 250 high x 250 wide pixels. A LARGE size image is 500 high x 250 wide.

It is important to choose the correct location dimensions as images are re-sized to suit the selected location during the upload process.

Image Web Link
The field is used to specify the web URL link that you want people directed to when they click the sponsor image.

IMPORTANT: ensure you include the 'http://' extension to the image web link.

Image File
This field is used to select your sponsor image file. This file will then be uploaded to the e-Laps website. Once it is uploaded, it can then be added to an Event (explained below).

IMPORTANT: sponsor image files must be less than 4096 KB (4 MB) in file size.

NOTE: You will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions before uploading any sponsor images to the e-Laps website.

Editing a Sponsor Image
Click the Edit icon in the sponsor images list.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EditSponsorImage.jpg]

Here you can preview the image file as well as edit the image's URL (Image Web Link) and Country (as shown above).

Adding a Sponsor Image to an Event
Once you have set up your sponsors and their images, you can then add these images to your events.

Click the 'My Events' menu item and then in the My Events list, click the Edit icon for the event you want to add image to.

Click the 'Event Sponsors' button which is located on the right hand side of the page, under the Extra Details section.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EventSponsorBtn.jpg]

Clicking this button will display the Event Sponsors (images) that are associated with the chosen event.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EventSponsors.jpg]

To add an sponsor image, click the 'Add Event Sponsor Image' button as shown above.

[Image: OnlineEvent_AddEventImage.jpg]

Here you can choose which sponsor, and which images you want to add to the chosen event.

Choose the required sponsor from the Sponsor drop down list to view this sponsor's images.

NOTE: Click the View icon to preview the image in a pop up window.

Select the required images and location from the Sponsor Images list as shown above.

NOTE: Sponsor images are FREE to add to events for the first 6 events, or the first 6 months. After this free period, adding sponsor images to an event will incur a small e-Laps administration fee.

Agree to the Terms and Conditions and then click the 'Add Free' or 'Buy now with PayPal' button to continue.

Once you have added an image to an event, they will appear in the Event Sponsor list as shown below.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EventSponsors2.jpg]

Disabling / Enabling Event Images
Each event image can be individually enabled or disabled.

If a green tick icon is visible against a image record (as shown above), then the event image is ENABLED.

If a red exclamation icon is visible against a image record, then the event image is DISABLED.

Clicking on the icon will instantly Enable or Disable the event image record.

If a event image is disabled, it will not be displayed on the selected event only.

Editing a Event Image Location
Here you can edit its location or which side of the page the image appears.

Click the Edit icon in the Tools column in the Event Sponsor image list as shown above.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EditEventImage.jpg]

Choose a new location from the Location drop down list and click the Save button.

Re-Ordering Event Images
In addition to which side of the page the event image is located on, you can also specify in what order the images appear.

[Image: OnlineEvent_ReorderImages.jpg]

For example in the screen shot above you can re-order the right hand column images so the large bottom image appears above the smaller top image. To do this, click the yellow Re-Order arrow in the Event Sponsor list as shown below.

[Image: OnlineEvent_EventSponsors3.jpg]

e-Laps Race Timing Software
The next evolution in race control event management software
(This post was last modified: 12-Feb-2015 01:05 PM by eLapsRaceTiming.)
08-Feb-2015 04:33 PM
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